Volume-1, Issue-1, Jul-Sep-2024
Volume-1, Issue-1, Jul-Sep-2024
Educational Transformation through Strong and Unifying Leadership
Author: Rico Paulo G. TolentinoPages: 1-04
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/GRJSSM.2023.1101
In the modern world, educational transformation is crucial because it can have a significant impact on the success of students, instructors, and institutions. A successful society is built on a strong foundation, therefore improving education is crucial for a more promising and just future. This change calls for leaders who are effective in their positions and have the ability to unite a broad range of stakeholders around a shared objective-improving education. Any successful firm needs strong leadership. It serves as the catalyst for decision-making, bringing people together, and motivating them. Strong and unifying leadership is necessary to reach the maximum level of success. Any educational revolution must have strong leadership to succeed. Leaders must be able to develop a vision and plan that takes into account the particular requirements of each stakeholder group while simultaneously establishing a common course for the group's efforts. Leaders must also have the required abilities to convey and carry out the vision. To effect the necessary changes, leaders must be willing to take chances and make tough choices. In order to ensure that all stakeholders' demands are met and their voices are heard, this process requires strong and uniting leadership. Furthermore, it is crucial for stakeholders to work together in multi-level mentorship collaborations since this can help to guarantee that the transformation process is successful and that everyone is on the same page. Finally, additional actions can assist to guarantee that the transformation process is successful and that everyone is on the same page. These actions include making sure the process is transparent and including all stakeholders in the decision-making process.
Key Words: Unifying leadership, educational transformation, administrative thoughts.
Citation: Rico Paulo G. Tolentino, Educational Transformation through Strong and Unifying Leadership, Global Research Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 1(1), 1-4, 2023.
Analysis of Causes and Economic Effects of Youth Unemployment in Nigeria
Author: Benard Akpa Ikwuyatum and Orisaremi Upe ChristianaPages: 5-12
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/GRJSSM.2023.1102
The rising trend in Youth unemployment and its multiplier effect on increasing menace of social vices has been an issue of serious concern to governments at all levels. In an effort to give jobs to the swarming youth, many administrations developed policies and programmes. Yet, data has indicated that the rate of joblessness has been rising over time. Significantly greater in some circumstances than the national rate. The objective of the study is to investigate the causes, trends and effects of youth joblessness in Nigeria. The paper adopt a desk research and uses statistical and descriptive methods of analysis. It traced the root of the menace and trend of unemployment. The findings revealed that the current spade of growing criminal activities in the country is to certain extent connected to youth idleness. The paper concluded and recommended that the recent policy of inculcating entrepreneurship studies into the school’s curriculum should be vigorously pursued and extended down to senior secondary schools.
Key Words: Unemployment, Youth, jobs, entrepreneurship, development.
Citation: Benard Akpa Ikwuyatum and Orisaremi Upe Christiana, Analysis of Causes and Economic Effects of Youth Unemployment in Nigeria, Global Research Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 1(1), 5-12, 2023.
Special Economic Zones: Resurgence of Mercantilism Philosophy of International Trade
Author: NAMAHORO TheonestePages: 13-18
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/GRJSSM.2023.1103
The adoption of special economic zones in various countries comes in the strategy of export-led development of recent decades. Special economic zones have been implemented to attract foreign direct investment, create more employment, boost exports and ensure an accelerated economic growth, etc. This paper analyses the nature of special economic zones and their link to neomercantilism and how that strategy seems to threaten neoliberalism as a new world orientation of international trade. The evidences show that special economic zones are the resurgence and tool of neomercantilism and reveal that they act contrarily to neoliberalism as it is manifested by WTO policies against some strategies for special economic zones success.
Key Words: : Special economic zones, neomercantilism, neoliberalism.
Citation: NAMAHORO Theoneste, Special Economic Zones: Resurgence of Mercantilism Philosophy of International Trade, Global Research Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 1(1), 13-18.2023
Examining the Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standard on Nigeria Manufacturing Industries: An Issue for Quality Financial Reporting
Author: Haruna Abubakar, Nyikyaa, Miriam Nguavese and Zainab AbdulsalamiPages: 19-24
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/GRJSSM.2023.1104
Pressures brought on by the globalisation of accounting standards prompted modifications to reporting systems all across the globe. It was noted that the application of the IFRS standard hasn't stopped inflated earnings and has no relationship to corporate performance. But given the results of other studies, it's challenging to say whether the execution of IFRS has occasioned in high-quality financial reports in the manufacturing sectors. The implementation of IFRS and the caliber of financial disclosure in Nigeria's industrial sector are the subjects of this study. Both primary and secondary data were employed in the investigation. The sampling cited manufacturing industries' internal and external auditors and accountants provided the source data. The secondary data was gathered from the annual reports of three (3) chosen manufacturing companies listed between 2006 and 2017 on the Nigerian stock exchange. The statistical connection between IFRS implementation and the caliber of financial disclosure in the Nigerian manufacturing sector was assessed using a multiple regression approach. The performance of manufacturing companies under the Nigerian GAAP and IFRS was measured using paired sample T-test. The results discovered that IFRS execution has a substantial positive link with quality of financial reporting in Nigeria manufacturing industry. The paper concluded and recommended that institutional and legal system should be considered in order to guarantee enhancement in transparency and comparability in financial report
Key Words: : GAAP, IFRS, quality financial reporting, manufacturing industry, equity agency theory
Citation: : Haruna Abubakar, Nyikyaa, Miriam Nguavese and Zainab Abdulsalami, Examining the Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standard on Nigeria Manufacturing Industries: An Issue for Quality Financial Reporting, Global Research Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 1(1), 19-24, 2023.
Board Attributes and Stock Returns of Listed Consumer Goods Companies in Nigeria
Author: Nyikyaa, Miriam Nguavese, Helen Oluwatoyin Adebayo and Zainab AbdulsalamiPages: 25-36
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/GRJSSM.2023.1105
This study investigates how board attributes (BA) affect the stock returns (SR) of Nigerian quoted consumer goods companies (QCGC). Size, independence, and financial knowledge of the board were all employed as predictor variables. For the purpose of addressing the problem, this investigation chose descriptive and expost facto methodology as well as positivist view point. The twenty-three (23) QCGC of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NES) as of 2020 made up the population. A sample size of sixteen (16) QCGC was obtained using the purposive sampling procedure. Secondary sources were employed to compile the study's data. The data were gathered from the yearly financial reports of the selected corporations for ten (10) years (2011-2020). With the use of STATA-13, the study used multiple regression as the analysis method. The study utilised the Hausman specification test to examine endogeneity because the data it used were panel data (i.e., crosssectional time series data). The Breusch-Pagan test for heteroscedasticity and the test for Multicollinearity utilizing the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) were additional robustness tests used in this study to assess the model's suitability and the validity of the results. According to the overall regression result indicated by the R-squared, BAs can be utilised to forecast how SRs would behave in the QCGC. Accordingly, it was discovered that board independence and financial skill had a positive significant effect on SRs, whereas board size has no significant impact on SRs of QCGC in Nigeria. According to the study's findings, the board of directors of QCGCs should expand their capability for monitoring discretionary management conduct by adding at least three accounting and financial professionals to the board to advance the quality of earnings.
Key Words: Board Independence, Board Size, Board Financial Expertise, Stock Returns, Consumer Goods Companies.
Citation: Nyikyaa, Miriam Nguavese, Helen Oluwatoyin Adebayo and Zainab Abdulsalami, Board Attributes and Stock Returns of Listed Consumer Goods Companies in Nigeria, Global Research Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 1(1), 25-36, 2023.